As part of Tolerance Week, the Betty Strong Encounter Center will host a program for Worldwide Genocide Awareness Day on Sunday, April 26. The program is an inter-faith project led by Rabbi Guy Greene of Congregation Beth Shalom in Sioux City. The project aims to increase knowledge about genocides past and present and about ways to help alleviate suffering brought by these events. “Don Doll, S.J. On Assignment,” an exhibition of images made in refugee camps around the world by the acclaimed Jesuit photographer, is on display and Fr. Doll will speak at 1:00. There will be genocide and social actions exhibits to explore and the film The Last Survivor, which depicts three genocides in our time will be shown at 2:00 and 3:30 in the auditorium.
The photo exhibition comprises images of refugees from Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Darfur, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Congo, Uganda, Chad and Jordan, as well as landmine victims in Angola and Bosnia, and child soldiers in Uganda and Chad.